I was a Ph.D. student in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences department at the University of California, Berkeley, advised by Professor Ali Javey. My research interests were in the areas of semiconductor devices, solar cells, and solar fuel generation. I worked on inventing new low-cost manufacturing techniques to produce high efficiency solar cells, and then analyzing the potential cost and feasibility of those techniques at industrial scale.
Other affiliations: The Molecular Foundry and Electronic Materials Program at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
III-Vs at scale: a manufacturing cost analysis of the thin film vapor-liquid-solid growth mode
Presented at Bay Area Photovoltaic Consortium Meeting on October 6, 2014 on March 8, 2012
Direct Growth of High Quality III-V Semiconductors on Metal Foils for Low-cost, High-efficiency PVs
Presented at BSAC Spring 2012 Conference on March 8, 2012
[first initial][middle initial][last name]@eecs.[school name].edu
+1 (415) 935-3096
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